Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trusted and Not Trusted Zones,


Over the last few years , there has been an ongoing effort to put together the ultimate Military Aviation Enthusiasts website, complete with a streaming radio station. The effort continues and is still on course to touch down in February 2011.

One of the things that the website will not have, is a bunch of manure, that makes it to where the aviation enthusiast consumer meaning YOU, don’t have to jump through hoops just to read and enjoy the site. If there is a general aviation skills brush up question, you will not have to log on, or register, just to take your shot at the quiz.

There are way too many websites being developed for us in the warbird theater. One of my favorites, is , however, during the few LIVE podcast style broadcasts, is that YOU need to register, just to post a question, or give your thoughts on the chosen public. Hung Kung Phooey, when you call 208-737-WOLF, while, I’m on the air you talk directly to me, not some call taker. Second , to post a question, you’ll be able to do so, without a long drawn out registration process. Many times, on such sites, by the time I go through all that hoopla, to register, then go to my email inbox to confirm the registration, shit, I have done forgot the question, I was going to ask in the first place.

I fully understand the need to filter out the garbage, the smut, and protect online security and stop spammers etc. But simple Captcha’s do the trick.

While our site will have a simple inquiry page for those who want to join the AyreWolvez and all, still there are two major differences. One, there is a place that allows for us to bill or send an invoice for that prospect members dues etc. With us no CREDIT CARD, is ever, EVER , NEEDED!!

For Trusted and Not Trusted zones, the AyreWolvez website , will be a TRUSTED ZONE.

Wind way too cold, drifting snow. I-84 has a broken snow floor from Bliss to the I-84/86 split just east of Rupert, Idaho. South to the Idaho/Utah line on I-84 from the split , currently closed due to drifts, high winds and extreem slick conditions. White out conditions currently from the 86 split to ColdWater, good day to wrap, up in a blanket, warm brandy in front of the TV.

Flying conditions suck. All light aircraft and except for emergency , helicopters grounded until at least 16:00 hours today.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
To err is human; to forgive, infrequent. - Franklin P. Adams
1 Chronicles 16:8“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.”

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