Thursday, December 30, 2010

There is a difference between organizations


There are a quite a few ignorant people who give the organizations of both the AyreWolvez as well as the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Thing is there is a wide birth between the two organizations. While both share the relationship and common political philosophies , both are groups on their own. The President of the Knytes –of- Anarchy remains, Ben Jones(aka Cooter) From the TV show from which the organization was formed on. The Knytes-of-Anarchy, is a group that is comprised of fans of the Dukes-of-Hazzard, coupled with a grass roots, home town built , custom vehicle enthusiasts group. The Knytes-of-Anarchy also includes the Mountain West chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, as well as the Sons of Kahless. The AyreWolvez is a group that is dedicated to and enthusiasts of as well as preservation of retired military of all branches of military service aviators(pilots) and love to rebuild, restore and gain recognition of military warbirds including rotor craft(Helicopters) .

Both organizations are the siblings of SAMCRO MCC and SAMCRO MCC is still presided over by Clay Torphin of Kemmerer Wyoming.

Just wanted to make sure a few of ya’ll understood that. As for those who disbelieve, again attend a new member meeting. The Knytes meet the first and last Saturday’s of each month at either Knytes-Hall in West Point Idaho or Ziggy’s in Bliss. In Utah the Knytes meet on the same days at the North Star Cafe in Clearfield Utah. The AyreWolvez meet at the Warbirds Museum in Tooele Utah on the 2nd and third Tuesday’s of each month. Likewise here in Idaho the AyreWolvez, meet at Knytes Hall in West Point, or Lincoln Courts here in Buhl.

Meetings are at 19:00 hours at ALL locations. So instead of casting doubt go to a meeting.

L8R Confederate Aviators,

awmaa logo2 my blog sig

Quote of the day:
Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities. - Aldous Huxley
John 16:33““I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.””

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OOps new Prezz screws pooch

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The membership of both the Knytes-of-Anarchy and the AyreWolvez are up in arms over some dues increases. Talked with Knytes President, Ben Jones overnight, his thoughts raising membership dues in this economy is going to thwart new membership, more over might just make a few to drop out. Talked to VEE-PEE Kelly Obrien yesterday afternoon, he said for returning and retire military members on fixed incomes can not sustain that kind of increase. But hey, everybody wanted ye ole Wolf here out of the big HQ office, and ya’ll elected who ya’ll wanted. As for me, I only report what the news of the organizations is, I don’t make it up, decisions are not mine, I’m just the mouthpiece, as its been said elsewhere, don’t shoot the messenger. Watch for the membership increases to get derailed and fall to even lower levels. While Ed’s ideas might have value in a way, as a LifeTime membership to the club, in fact the club itself is worth twice the LifeTime rate, but most right now can’t afford it, so I think the dues rate issue will not be ratified and will see file 13. Someone asked me, who the Life and such insurance for the club comes from, Bud is a licensed Certified Financial Planner , winner of the Million Dollar Club, award, and sells financial packages. In essence through the club, Bud writes these insurance packages.

For those who think the club(s) are a myth, etc, don’t bitch, get off your ass and come to a new member meeting, SEE FOR YOURSELF, but don’t say it ain’t so, if your too stupid to come to a meeting, after all they are listed on this blog every month. For those that want to attend, new member meetings, are held every second and third Tuesday at either Knytes-Hall which is otherwise known as the West Point, Grange hall in West Point Idaho, just outside of Hazzard. Or here at Lincoln Courts here in Buhl.

Its too damn cold for this ole Wolf caught the flu, so its meds then bed. See ya’ll Saturday morning on the radio.

L8R Confederate Aviators,

awmaa logo2 my blog sig

Quote of the day:
I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting. - Mark Twain
John 16:33““I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.””

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

As advanced as some are, the further in reverse they are

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Back in Hazzard and back to work for the final week of 2010. One damn long, helluva year, that I’m looking to see good bye to, and howdy ya’ll to new horizons.

That said, as advanced as some things become it seems the more behind they get.

Example; saw a result on a web search for a OEM stereo Cassette for the General Jackson, so registered on a site for such, got a reply, and guy sezz he’ll ship tomorrow. Really? Where was he shipping to? After all this guy did not know where we is at here nor anything. So I replied and said who do I make out the money order to and how do we finalize the deal? That was Monday, yet no reply. So two things go into the equation, One still looking for a OEM Ford AM/FM Cassette stereo for the General Jackson, and two. If something is posted 5 years ago, and the offer no longer valid, why not remove the dang posting, and update the files?

Something that we do here DAILY is updating our files, blogs and information. Maybe its the efficiency of our club and entire organization that makes us the envy of many, and why many not only wish to be members of the Knytes/ AyreWolvez as well as the fact many want to be employed by the organization. Although, being employed here at HQ or even B-Flyte HQ , its like the Marines, The Proud and Few.

My cousin Bud, bought me a coffee cup from a rural wear store a few years ago for my birthday. On it, it said, The Hurry I Go the Behinder I get, today in many areas its more like , “ As Advanced we get, the more in Reverse we go” , makes ya’ll long for simpler times, don’t it. Oh and for FYI , the reason I am aiming for a OEM Stereo for the General, is that besides keeping it period correct, is that A; I have zillions of cassette tapes of Hazzard/Ayre radio and the last time I took some in some tapes to be duplicated to CD, it cost me $1,000.00 , plus a CD can be used or burned once, a cassette tape, after you get tired of what’s on it, can be reused. It’s greener to use cassettes than CD’s. So I wait until weeks end, no response from the dude in Chicago with the OEM unit, he looses sale, and I opt for a new unit from Crutchfield, but why not keep up with what’s going on. There is value of being from Hazzard, both Hazzard County efficiency and Hazzard County Tenacity.

L8R Confederates

my blog sig   awmaa logo2

Quote of the day:
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes. - Doctor Who
John 16:33““I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.””

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Treacherous roads through Saturday


Throughout the region, snow is predicated to fall. Mostly in the mountains and through northern Utah, as well as further west from Hazzard to Mountain Home, and into Featherville.

The New year will be welcomed in white, as snow is falling, light in Hazzard and south of the Snake River.

More on this Wednesday morning.

my blog sig AWNP 1

Quote of the day:
It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young. - Konrad Lorenz
John 14:1-3“[Jesus Comforts His Disciples] “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

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THEE END bare image

Hazzard Ayre 2 Where Hazzard County meets AyreWolf


Damn it , it snowed again, and the roads in our area are packed. Not to mention runways at local airports. Guess no flying today, but as the afternoon wears on ya’ll can bet , I’ll be out snagging , dragging , which means toewing.

Had an okay time at the years end meeting of the AyreWolvez, previous night. Much was covered, and one that is a concern for many is the rize of the membership dues, mainly the LifeTime membership dues. Going from $500.00 to $700.00, but when you think of it, its not that expensive. Considering , once paid, you no longer need to renew, membership. Beyond that the exclusive ability to network , and sell to other aviators, both of the rotorcraft as well as fixed winged members and attendees at all the airshows , and events we go to. The aviation education one gets by being a member , especially a LifeTime member is unequaled in all specialty aviation organizations.

While some segments of our trade and passion of flying has been hit hard, by the economic depression ushered in by Jimmy Carter, continued through Bush Junior with only a moderate relief from Clinton, specialty and sport aviation has not only held steady , but has increased in both spending and hiring. Such areas as air med and air rescue, fire suppression, aviators are being hired, the job market for aviation is very healthy. Of course too, those who keep the birds flying are also in great demand. By being a LifeTime member, of the AyreWolvez, not only does one gain great incite into specialty aviation, you get constant education that WILL get you a job, but keep you there. Currently, until January 8th 2011, LifeTime memberships are at $500.00, but with increased costs, that jumps to $700.00 . Yearly dues will also jump this next month from the current $250.00 per year to $500.00 per year. I urge you, that if you have not renewed , do it now. Beyond the aviational education you get as a member or LifeTime Member , of the AyreWolvez, you get aircraft insurance, both life and medical insurance, and so many things that I have not the room here to outline. Plus if your someone that sells products, from jewelry and wearables , to aircraft parts, you not only get the ability to network with ready buyers for your products, but life time advertising, both on the website, as well as on both our radio and upcoming TV show, (AyreTraffic) which will be running soon on both RTV as well as RFDTV. If I were you I’d get at it, overnight your dues and renew your membership now. or at least before the 8th of January 2011. See the club business card at the bottom of this blog on where to send it, if your new to the organization or are considering such.

Any flyte its, been a long night, this old Wolf needs sleep.

L8R Aviators,

awmaa logo2   my blog sig

Quote of the day:
We all have strength enough to endure the misfortunes of others. - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Matthew 11:28““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

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THEE END HazzTail_thumb



Monday, December 27, 2010

Hazzard Ayre


This is Hazzard Ayre, Where Hazzard County meets AyreWolf.

Looks as though CMT has finally pulled its head out of its six, as this weekend they are doing the ultimate old iron CBS Marathon. First, back to back episodes of the Dukes, then Dallas, and then Green Acres. Wonder if CMT and or Viacom their parent company is putting the axe to TV Land and migrating the more rural side of TV Land to CMT. At this rate, might see Bonanza and Gun Smoke on CMT, that, by the highway flyway would not hurt, me at all. Then I could really leave the damn channel changer on one channel and just edit out the stupid local and Cable-One promos.

Here’s one for ya’ll speaking on Cable-One, for the , oh last several months, been doing this attempt at one hour infomercials, on what Cable – One claims is local business’s. Show is called ; Great Things in Twin Falls. Trouble is , none of them except one is from Twin Falls, more like Idaho Falls, guess, some outfits in Twin Falls, ain’t ready to bite the $2,000.00 price tag for that Great Things in Twin Falls. But to be fair, or ask the question, is Idaho Falls doing better economically than Twin Falls, where local IF and Pocky area business’s are venturing out? Or is Idaho Falls, business’s too naive? You be the judge. Wonder if the feature plays in Boise?

Made myself a bit of a treat, mix just a smidge of Jello powder, strawberry, in my case, with Coca Cola. A tip, let the Coke quit fizzing first. But it is good going down, darn near as good going down as Uncle Jessie’s finest shine.

Report on KDXB , Wednesday, taking the day off Tuesday to do some flying.

Keep it tween the Ditches,

L8R Confederate Aviators,


Quote of the day:
The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. - Edwin Schlossberg
Matthew 11:28““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

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HazzTail_thumb THEE END

bare image CLUB CARD 1

A mere improvement , but going in the right direction


While it might be small in size, shows what a town with tenacity has to offer. Went to the local Cenex store for a mail box, which they was out of, but did see, that life and food ingestion will improvement as I saw out of my old Wolf’s eye, a soon to be put in operation a McDonalds. Yesseree a McDonalds. Would happen , as I am planning on a serious relocation project, but at least , I’ll eat well before I gracefully exit the area.

Today was that kind of day, went to fyre LiL Dixie, battery was kaput, so jumped in General Jackson, trucked over to Twin, bummed a jump box from Chuck, came back over, and LiL Dixie fyred like a champ, stopped and saw DixieBelle, she fyred on the first try. Must have been at Chucks that sweet DixieBelle did not like being there, but all alone , ran like the princess she is.

While, saying good bye, sort of , to Hazzard Idaho, namely because I need to grow AyreWolf Aviation and all, its not forgetting Hazzard. I have said umpteenth times, but , I’ll say it again, Hazzard is not just a place on earth , but a place in the heart. So even though , I wont be there in physical form, my heart will be. Maybe in time after the next millineeium the area that surrounds Hazzard will advance enough to make a return possible. That said , there is at least a year or better before I can close the door here, so with that, there is still the establishment of KDXB here, and possibly HCC. We see.

Life is moving forward here, although slower than a snail, but at least advancing. Bet MHI and Goons Ferry wish they were, still that area looked as I flew over today, that the sameo ,sameo, is the normal.

I just wonder if one can grow soy beans and cotton here? Then it really would be like the Hazzard, Hazzard.

L8R Confederate Aviators,

my blog sig  awmaa logo2

Quote of the day:
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say "I want to see the manager." - William S. Burroughs
Psalm 103:1-2“Of David. Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”

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THEE END HazzTail_thumb


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Puss –N- Weed, the Answer to Americas economic woes

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Watched this thing on CNBC last night on America’s Pot industry. While growing weed and all is okay to me, I wonder why not legalize it? More over, why not legalize , brothels? My thoughts are simple here, if you can’t eliminate smut and weed, why not make both legal, stab a tax on it and reduce America’s deficit? For that matter give our farmers a new , healthy crop to grow in decrease unemployment.

By the way that Trish Reagan is enuff to give any , Confederate male a serious growth in his britches.

L8R Confederate Aviators,


Quote of the day:
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish. - Euripides
Psalm 103:1-2“Of David. Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—”

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