Friday, January 31, 2014

It ain’t just the Government that’s made America Stupid


I have came to the conclusion that it’s not the Government making our citizens stupid, but big business and the union yankee idiots that form our unions work force.

Now this howl is not about Idaho, for once it has to do with the web trolling web crawler critters who scour the Internet to find new customers. Then these call centers with a bunch of new people sitting at the desk get a name and call, but that’s where it ends. My problem is if you call back and can’t get anyone except a recording, or the mother company that contracted these bird dogs to go fetch new customers, but the mothership has no idea what’s going on. Here’s the gig. Last Wednesday out of a medium sized bit of sleep, I awoke to a phone call. This relates to a blog entry I put up on HazzardAyre involving the Reaper Club. So I answer and its DirecTV. Now I have had dealings with DirecTV and with my credit so shot I couldn’t buy a wrestling jacket for a ant, on credit if my life depended on it, I told them I’d love to have DirecTV but I knew I couldn't qualify. This Ashley says its different for business’s. So she said are you in charge of the Reaper Club, I told her no, that our original location had went sour and we were looking for a new place. But I’d love it here for the office. She said fine. Not taking a name or anything but just the address. Something smells funny, and sounds like a prankster of at very least a carpetbagger. Maybe its not the gals fault, she just may be doing what she’s paid to do, but don’t these outfits qualify the sales lead before making a cold call? And where is it listed that my cell phone is the number of the Reaper Club? Not that I mind understand, but the Reaper Club is on indefinite hold. It makes no big thing as we’ll be moved by mid month, but here I thought the office was going to get DirecTV. It’s not Obama, but big business, that has these birddogs out nuzzling out leads without seeing if there’s anything to the lead to begin with.

Finally, this evening, got good news to report. Got the Internet thing all worked out for Idaho until our departure so will be available in mid February. It’s refreshing when you work with people who really know their product, stays in contact until the deal is completed and gets you the best deal possible. Over the last three months, I have had the privilege to work with two. Laura at Comcast, who not only took my order, but was patient through two changes. And is still part of the reformation process of the relocation from Idaho to Utah. And the next is Brandi, over at Safe Link in Rupert. I told her what we needed and although not the quality of Comcast, will keep us online here in Idaho. Brandi got me a good deal, and told the truth. Too bad that DirecTV and others can’t do that. I’ve often wondered about outfits like that. I don’t mind working with big firms, its when those same companies have people who have no idea what their doing. It ain’t Government, its big business and Yankee’s.

Now then, had one more thing that comes into play. My Tech adviser building the website, said he felt funny about running the domain under the Knytes-of-Anarchy. That other MC’s might have a problem with it. I was very adamant about retaining that, but I also remember a time when me and some chick from Nampa and I were looking at formal offices/studios in Boise. We had a good place at a good price, but when the MC’s name came up even though we are far more than a simple MC, that the deal was scrubbed. So after thinking, the decision I made is, since the AyreWolvez are is the mother of the Knytes any way, why not just run the site up as AyreWolvez, and put in a hyper link for the Knytes, just like we will do for the radio werx?

TTYL Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
What single ability do we all have? The ability to change.
--George Leonard Andrews
Psalm 86:5“You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Monday, January 27, 2014

In House Tech Please

AYRE TYMEZ HEDDERflyte lawg hedder

Today was one of my better days I will say that. I’m finding that if I don’t go out for much of anything I don’t experience the local idiocy or stupidity. So went out to the airport, fired up one of the 406L’s out there of ours and did a fly through fog, patrol of the western Idaho slot. That felt about maybe better than having pure outright full pig sex where you just root around.

Made me some quick byte French toast, sat down and went online. I’m finding that any more not as much of a serious turn on as it once was. Seems every day there is some racing program going through my PC, that is readjusting all my settings. Win XP I could figure out, not so much with WIN 7, and I’m scared to try WIN 8. Many people hated ME, but I’ll tell you WIN ME, was a champion compared to what has came since.

So made two phone calls, one to reconfirm the office in Ogden, all good there. Then called to confirm the apartment, all good there, and been resting for the rest of the day.

I am resting my brain and body because I know for sure, as of Monday next, its going to be hammer down go till I’m broke move and all. Much of it I can do myself. The rest going to try and con a few others into. Debating if I should take my bed or buy a newer one once I get down there to Ogden, sleep on the floor for a short time. So it’s been mostly boxing shit up, some I don’t need to since I never really unpacked in the first place. I knew from hour zero that this escapade to Twin Falls was not going to be permanent. I have done all I could to make it work, and up to November this year I was still trying. But two sets on interns that made me burn in anger to them and a community that claims one thing , but on the surface is quite another. I remember all so many trying to persuade me not to move to begin with from Utah to Wyoming. Wyoming albeit slightly, but Wyoming did work, I had people busting their ass to help make AyreWolfFM the foundation to WyldAyre Radio a success. But even more so many people trying to say your not going to find what your looking for in Idaho. Up to a point they were all right. I will say Pocatello, did do a fair job. Oh sure there was that pint sized peanut brained bouncer at Club 91 that gave me a ass pain, Quite frankly had I been able to find him out before I moved the little penus head would have been dead being food for maggots. The would’ves, couldv’es and all, but I’m looking at hitting the sky and grounds of Utah, not with some clouded rose colored glasses, I know what’s there and what ain’t, I know there are as many assholes in Utah as there are in Idaho, but the supply of assholes in Utah is a bit less.

The resources, both technological as well as human are so far more than what is here in Idaho that its truly spooky. And the reason for the lack of tech here isn’t because the market is weak, its because the people do not want it here. As long as the cows are draining milk in a bucket, as long as there are pigs grunting and those taters are growing all is well. Anything else, come to Idaho, but go directly to Boise, or venture to Idaho Falls, do not even sniff in Twin Falls.

Any way I’ve had it for another day.

TTYL Aviators

awmaa logo2 AYREHEAD SIG1[2]

Quote of the Day:
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
--Winston Churchill
Ephesians 6:12-13“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
AYRE CLUB CARD 2_thumb_thumb wyld bye

Monday, January 20, 2014

Stevie Nicks 'American Horror Story' Is 'The Most Interesting Thing I'v...

At home in the sky for this guy


It’ll be morning well into a Federal holiday by the time most of you read this. Just was at Tim’s our fallen warrior who passed away while riding his HD to Centerville from Skull Valley after doin a dance there. The trouble with it is, that both Tim, and Darnelle are both members of the clubs, and one just did not see the other until it was too late. The lane lines out there on I-80 at the Skull Valley exit, to Tooele. Only real illumination comes about Grantsville where Wal-Mart has its regional supply warehouse at.

It was a bitter sweet viewing, and while everyone understands the circumstances , some healing time between members is going to take time. But we will heal.

Went on a Wolf prowl earlier tonight. It was really great doing 360’s at 30,000 feet, pulling 19 g’s in a F-18 Hornet trainer that is on loan to HAFB for some joint training missions. I will say , my big belly is beginning to make me really mad, but sadly there’s not much outside of excersize that I can do about it. I don’t eat that much very often. The way I really felt it earlier was squeezing into my flytesuit. Got it done and a fair amount of freedom of movement , but not much to spare either. We trained over Eagle Range west of Tooele between Delle and Wendover. The experience just renewed my visions and determination to get my butt big or not back in the air.

Went out to our company’s hangar. Randy was still over at Sam’s so I had the place to myself. It was an eerie feeling to say the least. Saw the notice of the rent hike on the place, while that size is good for our byrds to be housed all together along with our supplies and all, still $2,000.00 a month is a bit much. I saw a place over at Morgan so going to inquire in the morning. Perhaps the guy who was going to rent it to us once will again, and be available.

I puttered back to Sam’s and am getting ready to drop into bed so I can be awake for the flyte to Tweaker Flatts. I used to say going home, but Tweaker Flatts Idaho, to me no longer is home. Going to talk to Charlie to see if I can speed up my Idaho departure date a bit.

More in the PM here. See ya’ll then.

TTYL L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640K of RAM!?
--Bill Gates, 1981
James 1:2-3“[Trials and Temptations] Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
my good night all ayre tail

Sunday, January 19, 2014

So its going to be one of those nytes

There are creepy things going on and its tyme that a few here began to growl.
I have always said best way to a problem is an up front and serious face in the face meeting, but there are some situations that will not accomodate that.
Example, as much as we lean on Google's Blogger, there are tymes the thing will not accomodate the listing. So I have to carve out a quicky to re-ignyte the blog or page. If you try to explain this to someone at Google you get directed to some hardly dry behind the ears college boy, that has no power if you even can get a one on one. Now understanding a help phone in desk, is not possible at Google considering Googles size, but something more than a users forum should be enacted. Granted always a direct answer may not be possible, but having a person there monitoring the system, that see's a problem, can engage a system problem. If it concerns a specific problem that you damn well exists, yet its massive search extension can't find it, there should be a human idiot you could contact to put your money maker , back in the air. 
Example AyreTymez here, tried to enact it. Search says no it aint. Guess what? It is, after all I'm on it now.
Blogger is the least expensive if not fully free blog service out there with free options. While WordPress, Tumbler, etc, Blogger gives good service. But when it doesn't there ought to be a fix it person. Now if you can't have you always thought because I have, of firing up the mini Lady, and landing right on the street of Google, walking in, if you could get past security, grabbling a person of knowledge and say look bucko, this is wrong, its costing me money, fix it. You can't of course but I have numerous tymez thought of doing so. Then you get past that to Facebook. More than once I have considered the up front personal visit, but imagine too, if Facebook, took the tyme to build a free blog program that mirrors Blogger with all the options, it'd put Blogger out to pasture. I think Google ought to be spending some of their billions on their core programs, before going out there and putting money into total control of your life from toasting your bread in the morning to perking up the coffee, to spy glasses . But I did think up an idea for us pilots, how about a live heads up display that is in those glass's? Put some shades on, and there in the corner is a real to life military style HUD, with topography , air stats, the works. Instead of looking always at you glass on you dash, it'd be there in the corner of your eye. Maybe inject that into commercial airlines. Then a few of these pilots going to sleep and missing airports might be a thing of the past. A visual cue could be there watching REM, and if a pilot starts nodding off, a jolt in the seat wakes him or her up. I could love to that idea.
Any mile, AyreShow up dates and reviving a tyred canine.
L8R Aviators