Wednesday, October 19, 2011

At what point is flirting sexual harryassment?

Okay so your working, this great looking seatcover has your shaft so hard and straight that, it could hold up a D-9 Cat Dozer.

You want to say something, your mind can see , your senses can taste her, but you know if you act on your feelings that your getting a pink slip/.

So what do you do?

Where does flirting and teasing become red light district, sexual harry-asment?

Blogger and Google, must be having problems, since HazzardAyre will not load. It would be nice to have a help desk number to Google to tell them, hey my blogger site is fuggled up, fix it.

No matter, HazzardAyre will soon have its own url and be its own sight mid month November.

Stay Wings Level


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Parenting 101

Call this one , parenting 101. I am trying to be a objective adult, living next to a bunch of Mexican mixed children most of which are under 10 years old. Two are 2 and 3 respectivly. and the 3 year old has one smart mouth on her. Mostly gleaned from a drunk 80% of the time neighbor(not me) adult male, who programs this little tyke, only for her parents to deprogram at night, after they arive at home after working all day. Then to top it off I have the chore of making this 3 year old mind between parental shifts. So in many ways I'm doing parenting 101, to figure out how to combat the poor parenting of those who are responsible to do so. And me as just a adult male living next door, trying to make sense of it all.

At times like this, I reflect on the kids who lived next to me in Gooding. Under about the same living conditions, the difference? The kids in Gooding are being raised by military parents and instilling military discipline, where the ones next to me now are more passive.

While I'm not into obortion or anything, like that, living next to toddlers these days, gives much thought to cutting my tubes. It also makes me not want to date any woman with toddler aged kids.

Don't forget; AyreWolvez meeting Friday at 20:00 at the AyreShaq.

Any ideas here? I'd love to have ya'lls input.

L8R Aviators


Monday, July 25, 2011

AyreWolf PhooteNotes

Just a quick note. The Public meeting for and of the Burley Airport, expansion project, will occur at 17:00 hours today at Burley City Hall.

FYI: 208-212-9653

See results at 19:00 Hours on HazzardAyre.



Sunday, July 24, 2011

Is there a cure for Blue Balls?

Is there truly a cure for Blue Balls? Call this entry the Daily Vulva.

In trying to scientificly research the idea of the situation of backed up bodily juices for and of human sexuality, I found no real conclussion on the concept of us male corpuscles having cases of the cronic blue balls syndrum. Yet from personal experience the problem does exist.

Let's face it, man is bombarded with sexual images all over the place. Some benign some rather vivid, Some just on TV or magazines, some right there inches from you serving you morning coffee.

Many women just love to tease, hey strut their stuff so much it makes a grown old Wolf howl. Then there are some that try to hide the idea and play hard to get. In either case you go home to your Wolf's Den so hard and flowing, that outside of Suzi Palm and her five finger friends, there is no release.

Sexual tension is, although I see no CDC study on this, but I say there is a national if not international sexual tension epidemic. We are seeing both political as just well as just local folks so frustrated with the need to breed that its beyond imagination. Yet in the grand U.S. -of A States , only one state in our beloved union is it legal to open and operate a legal brothel.

Yet I say if there was a place to get in your face a honey for money to take care of the need to breed , both genders, some of, if not many of our legal and not so legal ills on this would near be illiminated.

If you could just go in, pick a sweet hiney to get your daily sex tune-up like you go in for that morning sweet roll and coffee, and walk out with confidence that there are no STD's to worry about, no prgenancies, no upset former guy pals, etc, just a fine memory, life in our sexually charged society would be much nicer. Lets call the place Riza 7 and move past the carnal foo-paws and treat the need to breed as well a need

Can this be done?

I'm covering this subject Monday on HazzardAyre.

In the meanwhile I'd like your input, is there a self treatment other than the obvious one, for Blue Balls?

L8R Aviators


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Don’t condone it , but can understand it


I’m still recovering from the tragic shootings yesterday in Arizona. While never a resident of Arizona, my time at MCAS there in Yuma Arizona, and knowing both the Congresswoman and her husband I am in full respect, and honor of the Congresswoman.

Insanity is no defense for the assailant , and all I can sort of understand it.

The marvelous Internet gives us instant access to information unknown by our ancestors. Cyber Bullying can incite someone to go over the brink, and commit such actions.

While many can allow such petty bullying to roll off our backs like water off a ducks back, there are those in society, especially, troubled or misguided youth, who are at odds with the establishment. If the assailant, was taunted, provoked or just told online , that he did not have the guts to commit this shooting, might just do it, just to prove that he indeed have the guts.

Loughner was unstable to begin with. It is known that Loghner had many postings on his MySpace and YouTube accounts. But I’d like to extend this a bit further, who knows that this incident, was incited through one of the Mexican drug cartels? Could the second person of interest, be an operative of one of those Mexican drug cartels, who influenced Loughner to pull the trigger. Congresswoman Giffords, husband has flown with many times with this reporter, more over, Mark is a member of our group. Mark and I met many times in Arizona, both on and off the MCAS base in Yuma. Likewise Congresswoman Giffords, had many meals with me and addressed our group, at a few of our AyreShows and membership meetings, but that’s getting off course here.

While the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, gets flack from many camps including those in MHI, still we never , ever would take such actions, against someone , although we have thought about it. After all, if you shoot someone only YOU loose, hit em with truth, and action through legal channels, you get resolve, and restitution.

But if you get bullied enough, if you get pushed, you react, in not too normal way, such as the actions of yesterday in Arizona.

Even getting rejected from Military service, at first can be a mind bending thing. However , like myself. When , I first enlisted in 1977 for the Navy, I passed everything with flying colors. However it was later learned that injuries that left a quarter sized hole in my skull, made me get a needed military waiver . My Dad along with at the time Idaho Senator Frank Church, and Dad’s connections from his own Marine service, got me that waiver, next I knew I was at Paris then Pensacola Florida for flight mechanics and later as an aviator, and admittance to the VMA214. What , I’m saying, there are more equitable paths to get in the military, if you really want to get in. Loughner, most likely did not think, that perhaps , the Congresswoman could help him get in, if in fact, he wanted to get in. But going up and plugging such a special person, as Gabbie , just terrible. While myself and the AyreWolvez don’t condone this action , still from cyber bullying etc, I can understand how such things can happen. And how someone can be pushed to commit such tragedies.

I think now , though we need to hear from Mark, Gabbie’s husband.

We all are praying for you Gabbie.

L8R Aviators

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Quote of the day:
Human beings are the only creatures that allow their children to come back home. - Bill Cosby
Matthew 6:19-21“[Treasures in Heaven] “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

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