Friday, November 26, 2010

Acts of Compassion

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Yesterday, Thanksgiving was better than the previous year. And quite a bit better than about the last 6 previous Thanksgivings. I went down to the Senior Citizens Center here, thinking that while it would be breaking bread with a bunch of old farts a community that in not too many years forward , I will be one of, at least it is a free meal, on a day that brings on way too many memories, that I needed to get beyond.

So after getting out of the snow drift I was in parked next to the curb that is the nature of where I live, not too different than that at Goons Ferry, I ventured forth. Normally I would have walked those few blocks, but in this bitter cold, I drove. I’m not too much of a whoose to walk in snow and cold, after all, living in Wyoming a few years prior, cold is normal. But Wyoming’s cold and snow , is more of a dry cold and/or snow. Idaho is more wet and damp, meaning it sticks with you longer.

So I got to the Buhl Senior Citizens Hall, ate a good meal, and visited with a good bunch of older and yet still for many lonely Veterans. Including many military aviators. I related in our visit, of the efforts ongoing of the AyreWolvez to bring about a memorial military aviators wall, for all those both gone, MIA/POW, as well as currently serving.

The combat aviator(pilot) is one of the not too often remembered warriors. Most of those honored are ground troops, and that’s okay, nobody goes into battle often for a grand thank you , but a slap on the back would be nice.

One of the other ongoing projects of the AyreWolvez is the combat aviators radio station that is still on the boards of the club which is loosing traction , due to the lack of community support. The club has spent nearly a million dollars on equipment, and licensing, so far between 2009 and 2010. But there is a need for a fund raiser or at least getting local infusions of cash to rent the studio, revamp said space, and operate for the required by the FCC without ad revenue for six months. If your a resident of the area of Buhl Idaho, that wishes to help, bring a radio station to town, that has within its scope, to honor all military both serving as well as gone beyond, especially military aviators, then send what you feel you can to: AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association , 123 13th Ave North # D, Buhl Idaho 83316.

If you need a phone number , you can call 208-737-9653.

So there I was eating, and saw a bulletin board of sorts , honoring military Seniors Citizens. A big portrait of the Blue Angels, that has one member , by the way of our squadron the VMA214 BlackSheep, and an active member of the AyreWolvez in that unit, and I thought, if these folks can donate time to feed the lonely on Thanksgiving, and all, with donations in kind, could they might donate or put some needed dollars in one of those plastic jars, for a Military Aviators Memorial Wall, and/or our radio station to honor those that have flown and fly to protect American freedom? That would be  real act of Compassion.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. - Sir Winston Churchill
Hebrews 12:28“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”

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