So I caught online, an interview since I got fucked in the rear,by DirecTV, with Facebook creator founder Mark Zuckerberg It was very insightful and well done. The man has a lot to be proud of. Here is and was a man not so worried about the cost or the money but the quality of the product. Too bad others don’t feel that way. Shit Mark went into it with just a smidge over $10k and look what he built, but on that. While it’d be very hard to find one person that either does not have a FaceBook page, or at least a FaceBook profile. There are some things lacking and this raises the question, is Facebook any better at 10 years old?
I would say no.
Certainly the content of your page or pages should be yours right? Wrong. Facebook will instantly edit everything. After all don’t want the youngn’s to see things, that they no doubt have already seen long before.
Of course this is mandated by our censor hungry US Government. The only way to post what YOU really want to post on the web is to own your own site. Once you upload content to Facebook or any of the others, that content is THEIRS, you give them permission to keep it. This is that they do that so your don’t have to pay to be on their social site.
Naw Facebook may be 10 years old, but its still in so many ways a toddler.
Quote of the Day:
Sharing money is what gives it its value.
--Elvis Presley, singer
Psalm 33:4-5“For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |