In case you haven’t ran into this, and it’ll put you in a shit mood, but best go check all your security programs, do a SpyBot Search & Destroy scan and whatever else you have. Overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, a creepy little pesky hackbot decided to compromise thousands of Facebook accounts. What occurs is the pesky varmint invades your friends list and sends out malicious code and puts up a link, of a zipped file. Most out of curiosity open it and bazzinga, your computer and all is now invaded. This requires a whole overhaul of all your email programs from Google to Yahoo, as well as your YouTube accounts.
The first invasion I got notified of it through Mirinda, and like a dummy clicked on it. Of course now all my friends list is destroyed, but I don’t give a shit about the friends list. These days its not good to go online much unless you can lock it down. I have put everything into safe modes.
The malady even effected me overnight doing WyldAyre Radio. Now that said, I was able to re-establish everything to working order, but it took three hours of valuable on air time.
So, WARNING, if you have a Facebook account, best go in scan it, and redo your passwords. Hopefully some news outfit will release deets later but my advice, and all is Bet you your next tank of AV fuel, that your Facebook account is severed. They said it was Happy Birthday to Facebook,congrats Mark, your product took a dump.
Okay on the move front a subject many have been wondering about, and it now looks like early April, before that can occur. Mostly because the office is secured , but where I was looking to bed down, has been took. Additionally, the move was put on hold, until all the clean up and finish up of projects here in Idaho are done, plus some rigs made able. So hey , I’m here in great Tweaker Flatts, for two months, yippie.
Best check your Facebook account this morning. Reset all your passwords, on all your apps. Plus any other programs requiring authorization.
Quote of the Day:
When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.
--Enrique Jardiel Poncela
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