Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What to do after your FedEx’d Up?


I wonder sometimes at our nations situation. Yes Obamabeenlyin has screwed the working people of America through some of his plans, but it is the American worker I’m talking about.

Our employable people have become very unemployable. They for the most part are completely stupid. Most couldn’t pass an entrance exam into maggot college. Even our own Marine and other military branches have people there completely ignorant. Used to be getting into the Navy or Marines took at least a 3.0 GPA, if not higher. Today, you can skoot in on a c average and still be deployed.

But I ran into something that I spoke about on the air last night as well as in HazzardAyreXD.

Few weeks ago when I had that mess with DirecTV , DirecTV shipped the stuff alright, cept my neighbor across the way Red, took it over to the Mexicali's next door, who sent it back. Really they couldn’t come next door like they do to bitch about the radio werx, and said I think this belongs to you. No they send it back, which cost me time on phone, email and a bunch more to the tune of $800.00 bucks . When I asked the gal delivering today about it it was, we’re FedEx Air. Fine but you going to tell me you don’t bump into the FedEx ground people? Mention it. Nobody wants to take responsibility for their actions, or the slip ups of others in their own company. Which must mean, thanks for the cash for my stash, but I don’t care about anything else including the health of the company I’m working for. Thing is if the company they work for collapses, there aren’t a bunch of $20.00 an hour jobs out there, even if Obamabeenlyin is trying to increase the minimum wage if we have people out there kicking the crap out of firms that will hire minimum wage employees, its going to take a 5 year at least PHD just to get a job there.

People all the time blame the gall darn Government, when in fact its you the people. A Government is only as strong and good as the people that elect the people in DC. Granted many become media stars and try to muscle in programs to make them become or appear to be God like. But overall we can boot their butts out through a simple thing, its called election time. Who you choose, who you believe, is up to you, and in this day of modern information flows, you can’t claim backwoods in the hills stupidity. Even the most removed Tennessee Hillbillies know about the internet and watch news. Many of those have pride in a job well done, and pride of who they do the work for.

If only the rest of the nation would do that.

Oh on the subject of FedexUp. That’s the combination of both FedEx and UPS, when you get tired of that, think this, there’s a thing brewing creating, DixieAyre XPress.



Quote of the Day:
For greed, all nature is too little.
--Seneca, Roman statesman and author
1 John 4:9“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

all ayre tail

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The end of an era and a legend walks into the sunset


The end of an era, this night. Jay Leno said goodbye and good night for the last time. While many might say he’s done that before, I think its real. All kinds of celebrities from Billy Crystal, to Carol Burnett, bid a tear felled adios. Garth Brooks sang two of his best songs, and in the end as he was doing a goodbye speech, Jay really teared up. I think I do too somewhat. I never thought the Tonight Show was worth watching much past Johnny Carson. But Jay did have some great bits. In fact Jay gave an idea that I think that if it had been followed would have saved this entire nation. On one of his monologs Jay said in response to the AIG and numerous bail outs by Obamabeenlyin that if Obama had gave everyone $200,000.00 to do as they pleased, and not be looking for another hand out, that $200K would be a hand up. People could buy houses, buy new cars that would stimulate the car companies, open new business’ which would stimulate the economy as well as put some new tax money in the stash.

I never really was or will be into Jimmy Fallon, running the show, but it might bring in a slightly younger demographic.

Got DirecTV installed today, howl loud enough you get attention. Now I have good TV. Even with the snow and cloud cover I’m getting a good signal , so who cares about Cable-One?

This however is not to say that the move to Utah is not on the hudAWONTHEHUDbut with weather, and circumstances a month or two wait is not that bad. After all, too, I thought with all that I personally have went through since I transplanted myself from Evanston Wyoming to here in late 2006, it’d be nice to complete at least some of what we as a club, and me as person have been through to just up and split for some small unimportant reasons is stupid. Sure there are the asshole web trolls in MHI, that think me exiting is a good idea. But I’m not selling Lexi, or Wolf-Pup to do it. I’d rather stick it out for 3 to 4 months, build this radio gig, strengthen the club, put up the website and leave this damn state with some honor and dignity. May June is just as good as now, and between getting the office and all in the meantime and getting that in proper order, is better than just jumping up and leaving like a whipped Wolf.

Its peaceful here now, a few things slid into place. And omens as obscured sometimes as they are, are still omens or premonitions. I didn’t listen when I left from Pocatello, to Glenn’s Ferry in 2008, I’m not being pushed.

Finally , proof that indecency or decency is for sale at least on TV. No TV station or cable here would run ads for HCC or either of our clubs on any network. Yet I saw KY Jelly, run a few ads on the final Jay Leno show, that simply had the tag, that said, “ Nothing fancy just great sex” No hiding it just outright.



Quote of the Day:
One way to stop a runaway horse is to bet on him.
--Jeffrey Bernard
Psalm 97:10“Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.”

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FaceBook gets hacked overnight.


In case you haven’t ran into this, and it’ll put you in a shit mood, but best go check all your security programs, do a SpyBot Search & Destroy scan and whatever else you have. Overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, a creepy little pesky hackbot decided to compromise thousands of Facebook Logo-Facebookaccounts. What occurs is the pesky varmint invades your friends list and sends out malicious code and puts up a link, of a zipped file. Most out of curiosity open it and bazzinga, your computer and all is now invaded. This requires a whole overhaul of all your email programs from Google to Yahoo, as well as your YouTube accounts.

The first invasion I got notified of it through Mirinda, and like a dummy clicked on it. Of course now all my friends list is destroyed, but I don’t give a shit about the friends list. These days its not good to go online much unless you can lock it down. I have put everything into safe modes.

The malady even effected me overnight doing WyldAyre Radio. Now that said, I was able to re-establish everything to working order, but it took three hours of valuable on air time.

So, WARNING, if you have a Facebook account, best go in scan it, and redo your passwords. Hopefully some news outfit will release deets later but my advice, and all is Bet you your next tank of AV fuel, that your Facebook account is severed. They said it was Happy Birthday to Facebook,thumbs downcongrats Mark, your product took a dump.Logo-Facebook.

Okay on the move front a subject many have been wondering about, and it now looks like early April, before that can occur. Mostly because the office is secured , but where I was looking to bed down, has been took. Additionally, the move was put on hold, until all the clean up and finish up of projects here in Idaho are done, plus some rigs made able. So hey , I’m here in great Tweaker Flatts, for two months, yippie.

Best check your Facebook account this morning. Reset all your passwords, on all your apps. Plus any other programs requiring authorization.



Quote of the Day:
When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.
--Enrique Jardiel Poncela
Proverbs 21:21“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
big bye

bed tyme

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So what is it about these butt shots any way?


I had a question come up on the air earlier tonight so I’ll attempt to expand and explain it, and some very interesting search results.

Back bout 1974/75 somewhere, I caught a copy of Truckin Magazine. At the time the publication was written and published by McMullen Publishing, its now part of Petersen Publishing aka Hot Rod, Car-Craft. Any mile at the end of every article was a tiny pic of either a van , the fad at the time, or a custom truck and a hot babe in skimpy shorts or a even skimpier bikini. Years after , EasyRiders started doing that too, although it was a bike and hot butt, now its just the bike.

What’s good for them thought was, is good enuff for us. As the then mirror of the ITA, the TTA, thought of where we couldn’t reach radio wise we’d do up a 10 page paper on the club, and interesting things on LHT/OTR rigs,and in following suit, classy rig, a hot butt of a hotter chassis Lassie, and so it goes.

Now then here’s the results of a interesting search. Went looking for new subjects online for making into our parting pic, and discovered that if you search for HOT BUTTS IN NYLONS, you get at least a full page of rather racy shots. Some classier than others. However and I can’t understand this, if you punch in HOT COWGIRL BUTTS, you might get about 5 that are of the heart of the search but(no pun) nothing more. The rest of the page is just sleeze. Which begs the question, why no more hot cowgirl butts? Granted finding great kountry hiney that can pour into Wrangler Cowgirl boot cut jeans is a challenge in itself, however, hasn’t some redneck cowpuncher taken his Nikon, or Canon out to a rodeo, and shot some of the great cowgirl tails? If not why not? Lets face it, outside of a form fitting flight suit, no other site gets a real USDA Genuine male corpuscle all excited and hiding behind a wall, or building better than a fine butt in Wrangler Jeans. As we coined years ago, Wrangler Jeans the best jeans on hot cowgirls known to man.

I have just got to get me a camera.

More in the PM today, lights out big pow wow with Charlie today.



Quote of the Day:
To cease smoking is the easiest thing. I ought to know. I've done it a thousand times.
--Mark Twain
Psalm 33:4-5“For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.”

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bed tyme knyte tail.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

FaceBook May be 10 years older, but is it any better?

ayretymez coverWolfs Den PhooteNotes Hedder

So I caught online, an interview since I got fucked in the rear,110708-sexy-stockings-revealing-hot-assby DirecTV, with Facebook creator founder Mark Zuckerberg It was very insightful and well done. The man has a lot to be proud of. Here is and was a man not so worried about the cost or the money but the quality of the product. Too bad others don’t feel that way. Shit Mark went into it with just a smidge over $10k and look what he built, but on that. While it’d be very hard to find one person that either does not have a FaceBook page, or at least a FaceBook profile. There are some things lacking and this raises the question, is Facebook any better at 10 years old?

I would say no.

Certainly the content of your page or pages should be yours right? Wrong. Facebook will instantly edit everything. After all don’t want the youngn’s to see things, that they no doubt have already seen long before.

Of course this is mandated by our censor hungry US Government. The only way to post what YOU really want to post on the web is to own your own site. Once you upload content to Facebook or any of the others, that content is THEIRS, you give them permission to keep it. This is that they do that so your don’t have to pay to be on their social site.

Naw Facebook may be 10 years old, but its still in so many ways a toddler.



Quote of the Day:
Sharing money is what gives it its value.
--Elvis Presley, singer
Psalm 33:4-5“For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
AVI CLUB LOGO A hot short tail

Let’s get drunk


This shows that our nation would rather support the opening of a place to go in and get fucking fall down stupid drunk, than supporting a facility that donates to and fulfills the aspirations of our nations military. Here’s hat’s off to DirecTV. As you know one of dear sweet DirecTV’s bird dog crew fielded a call to us a week ago today. When I explained that the MC was at minimum of 7 months out from launching the Reaper, since we lost the bid down at the old Hot Rocks location, the gal still said we qualified. Grroovy I thought DirecTV for the pilots read room here at AyreWolf Aviation. At least something better than old vcr tapes of Disney channel shows. This Ashley said no problem, I repeatedly asked is there anything I need to do, extra. No she said , everything's fine. Friday I get a confirmation notice so Saturday I call about mid day to find out the status of the installation. Now the installer says he was here at 10:00 AM, bullshit, I was here, no call, no knock no nothing, plus I hear everything and the dogs next door fuss when someone strange shows up. So Monday I call to see about this gig, and if we cough up $20.00 We’ll get this installed here. But shit if your putting the damn thing in a bar its FREE. But no this gets better, Nominated and I don’t know by who, but nominated for an outstanding business award by the city of Rupert, oh by the way on that YOU have to pay for the award itself, some nomination, But a company that’s been around since 1968 and ran by me since Dad passed away likewise Mom in 83, and SafeLink, comes over to install. Again I ask important questions like DO I NEED TO HAVE MONEY IN HAND? Gal says no. Guy gets here, but no they want $500.00 up front. Phooey , In the morning Charlie is going to get an ear full, and its bent on moving out of this snare trap. I can do business just as easy from Ogden without the headaches.

Is there something wrong in just being up front and saying what it is? If your selling something to me or the club, you better not blow smoke out of our ass’ or you loose 50,000 potential clients including me.

Everyday I see ads on TV for don’t drink and drive, not ingest alcohol, don’t do this , don’t do that. We get screened for wanting hot puss by a bike or warbird for an ad, but hey open a bar, and you get the red carpet rolled out, people show up for interviews, and vendors like DirecTV will give you service free. Open a radio station dedicated to Southern Culture, and our military, and you have to cough up much money before you can get anything. Want to set up a sat service for your pilots ready room for air SAR(Search And Rescue) , and you have to give a pint of blood nearly for a deposit. Why can’t people be like sweet Laura and Comcast? This is what it costs , this is what you get. That’s one of the reasons I like her so much, and a driving force behind  moving to Ogden, things are less cost, you get more, and while there are crooks and smucks there, its not as wide spread.

So no if you want free everything anything open a bar, lets all get drunk, and watch DirecTV.

No thank you.



Quote of the Day:
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
--Winston Churchill
Psalm 18:1-2“[Psalm 18] For the director of music. Of David the servant of the LORD. He sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said: I love you, LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Into the Fyre


We certainly are living in perilous tymez. The old traditions and values are so skewed that its hard to determine what is right, who you should believe and who you should just pass on, with some understanding, say a prayer and attempt to help those that are not as intelligent as you are. For me that would mean having hands the size of king Kong, If we as a species of humanoid are to evolve into the kind of society that reaches for the stars such as in Star Trek or ay version thereof we need to be able to deal with populations, creeds and beings not like us. Gene Roddenberry had the right ideas that were built into the story lines, but are they attainable. Example, Coca Cola ran a version of America the Beautiful that was sung in various languages. The ad has brought in the furor of the population. It’s the lets assimilate everyone. I say resistance is not futile. The Dukes-of-Hazzard taught basically the same thing, be yourself , attempt the impossible and fight the system. In some ways being a rebel is not bad in fact should be encouraged. To boldly do and go where few or no one has gone before is a challenge, not something that should be condemned.

What always piss’ me off is that so many need their hands held for everything nearly to the point one has to wipe their ass for them. Example, had an intern prospect come into HCC in Burley. I had to explain, by demonstration how to make a pot of coffee. Okay so I can’t make a hot cake, but a pot of coffee? That’s so simple. These are the people that are coming into the full work force, teaching in Universities, and becoming leaders in our Government, if we still have an independent Government. We’re not talking so much about socialism, but communism. and there is a difference.

Another question is, does everything HAVE TO BE ABOUT THE MONEY? How about doing something or serving in a club, or building something just for the pleasure of building it? Doing it? Or performing? Added to that the deal of not taking responsibility , just because YOU might loose that $10.00 or $15.00 an hour job, such as McDonald’s servers, or like I experienced with DirecTV or the manager at Smith’s Food Store here in Twin Falls. Admit you fucked up rectify the situation credit the customer for the mistake, give em a better deal, or try to find a price for a box of fruit pies. Is loosing a customer who has been loyal, or a customer you want to be loyal worth some mere protocol? Make an exception, take responsibility. Remember the customer you piss off today might be the person you ask for a job from tomorrow, or the person who climbs out of bed who comes to toew you late at night. Some of us have great memories.

In closing, took a look at Wikipedia, on a subject and it was very little, which brings up the question, Wikipedia, ain’t what it used to be, is it?



Quote of the Day:
Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
--Julie Andrews
Psalm 59:16“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.”

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Nothing works better than local up front and personal

AYRETYMEZ BLOG COVER HEDDERa new ayrewolves blog header[2]

Computers, voice mail, Facebook, Google and social telecommunication. All are good tools, but few result in a serious conclusion or deal made than up front and personal.

With electronic communication, you can get ignored. But if your standing in front of someone with your hands grabbing their shirt collar, you’ll get a certain yes or no. There’s no doubting at that point.

There is noise about local mom & pop, brickhouse companies. These are good for one reason. If there’s a screw up, which is bound to happen due to earthly unintelligence. At least with locals, if need be you can kick some serious real ass if you keep getting messed up with.

To date in 30 years, I have met maybe 4 people that I can call associates that I have never met in person, but count on. Eli our engineer in California, Laura in Colorado for Comcast, Richie our website builder, and Brian at Fidelpac/Dynamax(Sandies) . Beyond that if its online I don’t believe anyone from a telemarketing operation, nor anyone I can’t verify somehow. Some might say one can’t verify AyreWolf Aviation, if not they are not trying very hard. Just from Blogger blogs with 76 of them credited to AyreWolf and HazzardAyre , if you can’t find AyreWolf you don’t know how to use the web.

Just like some gal was looking us up to get a pic of LexiBelle, hmmm, are you looking in the right place? Do you even know what to look for?

The list goes on, but its one of those things that sure you’ll pay a bit more shopping local, but at least when you need some attention, its able to be found. If they need some serious motivation, nothing spurs motivation than a tow truck backed up to their ride. Trust me they do respond.

Now then, had someone ask about the family company merger, to illustrate this let me point to the family tree>FAMILY TREE 1For those who know us already you know this structure. For those that don’t , its purtty straight forward. It does not take a bunch of even city smarts to figure this out. Although there will be at least one Northern Yankee, that’ll have to have their hand held and talked through it.

Catcha in the PM, but for those wondering about the DirecTV, thing. I called them, at 09:00 hours, they DID NOT RETURN A PHONE CALL> But for $20.00 I’ll get hooked up. Let you know more as we go along.



Quote of the Day:
Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance.
--W. Clement Stone
Psalm 59:16“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.”

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big bye