Saturday, December 18, 2010

An Epiphany

A NEW AYRETYMEZ HEADER a new wolf prowl header

I had a phone call from one of the AyreCrew, after my last posting, reminding me that I howled the same things from Utah just before I pulled the plug and uprooted from Bountiful, in mid 2005. The reality is, I did, howl the same howl then as now. The question is obvious, and perhaps there is some substance to this, is the area of two states just way too religious and are we as a group just way too radical, and rebellious for everyone to swallow?

Over the past few years I have suffered, accepted and tried to adopt too many mental and other traumas than most that I know. There is a direct correlation between the Knytes,AyreWolvez and even the HCRWA, and what is Eagle-Wolf Inc. Eagle-Wolf Inc. For those not in the know, is the combination, of Eagle Starr Farms, which my Dad and Mom created, just prior to their deaths that evolved out of the Circle Bar M Ranch, which was my families cattle brand. The Wolf half of Eagle Wolf Inc, is from of course, AyreWolf Aviation a company, that myself and both Cuzzin Bud and Gordon and Uncle Harrold put together in late 2004 on the cusp of the partial recovery of the Montgomery Trust. The company has long been the primary funding source of the Knytes , AyreWolvez and of course, the HCRWA. What effects one, effects the other. However, the fact is in either case , I have never been nor sought to be the main dude, President, or such of either the club, or the company. Simply because I realize that, I do not have the business acumen to do that. Sure I can spin a wrench on aircraft, fly it, same thing with the tow truck, I can recover vehicles, from very serious spots. But how to manage the funds derived from thereof, I know not. I just do not manage money well. At first glance , I can tell you where a something ought to be, but in reality , I do not have the intuitive powers to tell you how to get there.

Its not just Boise, or the rest of Idaho, namely Twin Falls, that has closed the door on affordable industrial advancement. That said, Boise does have some areas that could be made commercially viable. Problem is at the current state of the Montgomery Trust, until the dust of the Flying J , empire is sifted out and our part of it , is complete, I have to just be patient. Thing is, and you know who will not be able to resist this; While, I could easily be content and should be, just sitting around , getting fatter than a Christmas swine, collecting Social Security and all, watching the cars rust, and just mildewing, I’m not content. Sure $1,700.00 a month, without busting butt for it might seem grand. But DixieBelle gets older by the minute, hour , day, and years. So do I. With the little taste of running solid with another firm, here in the Tragic Valley for a time, I want, shit, I need, to be going toewing, more over I need to be in the air. I miss both terribly/. But to make that all work, I need to be in where , there is little choice if any for a dragin wagon, as well as a need for air farming. Idaho still has some places that are in that category but they are few and far between. Utah has three that I know of. One is where 4 years ago , at the time the company bought an aging motel and cafe in Echo, Utah. It was about that time I got a horney peter for Tammy, and ya’ll know the rest from there. CokeVille Wyoming , might have panned out, had I went in with something other than a name like Highway Hooker Toewing. Likewise a truck shop, called the KattHouse. The combination was a bit too much for some simpletons there to digest. Again way to conservative(LDS) to widen their focus to see that all words that are spelled alike or sound alike have different meanings, some that are just CB trucker jargon, and are not really that what they seem to be. But that does not count out Wyoming, which still seems like a bit open to that wider focus. But , Wyoming is still at best two years out. As just over the border from Wendover Nevada is Wendover Utah, with few if any toew truck, a very open airport, and is both very much more military and performance automotive friendly, considering that the Bonneville Salt Flats are just a spit away.

With all that said, I need to ask those in Idaho, why? First to the Sheriff and Undersheriff of Twin Falls County, Idaho. With the economy, so restricted, with jobs so few, and with a 9.8% unemployment rate, why implement regulations that prohibit those with just one or two toew trucks, from making a living, and shutting our companies down? Sure we can still stay operational to a point, but law enforcement rotation and call out lists are our bread and butter. Why cut our throats? On the west end of Twin Falls County, your new policies for toewing , means one company. A political favor? Or what? Smells like when Twin Falls City had the none preference contract, initiated through a toewer that goy hitched to the city police chief’s daughter. Twin Falls County’s toewing policies can and should be examined by higher powers. I would push that button, but as for me, I’m to the point of why should I? Considering that outside of maybe 5 people that I can count, there really is nothing to say, I ought to drop my anchor here.

This time of year brings these things into view. I sit, in a 20x20 apartment, watching TV , and hearing all about the love etc from friends and family. Sure Nurse GoodBody sent me a Xmas greeting, same with Rick and a few members of the club, but friends are not family. None of them have offered to have me over fro Christmas Dinner. No I’m not feeling sorry for myself, but at least the year I lived in Pocatello, some of my own kin folk from Grace(Idaho) invited me down, so yes, AM-Falls, and that immediate area is of prime first look as a bridge between Idaho,Wendover-Wyoming. I don’t care that I will not see a Christmas Tree in my home, nor experience opening even one gift, and with bills that sucked what few dollars I had for December, not much of a Christmas Dinner, but, so this will not take place next year, ye ole AyreWolf here is making changes.

The fact that Mom & Dad are no longer here, and even with the huge financial and other gifts gave to area communities, both near and not too far, and that none of them have said, even a Merry Christmas.

At least in Utah , I had a few friends that would comfort me to the point, that I was not so blue, this time of the year. If it were not, Cuzzin Bud, or Gordon, it was Tommy, or, Nannette. To name a few. At least , I would get a card, and an invite for a bite. But not next year.

So in closing, changes, both in environment, and circumstances are coming in 2011.

Next entry, taking Alliance Family Counseling to court.

L8R Confederate Aviators


Quote of the day:
America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. - Oscar Wilde
Luke 1:68-70““Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago),”

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