Sunday, January 19, 2014

So its going to be one of those nytes

There are creepy things going on and its tyme that a few here began to growl.
I have always said best way to a problem is an up front and serious face in the face meeting, but there are some situations that will not accomodate that.
Example, as much as we lean on Google's Blogger, there are tymes the thing will not accomodate the listing. So I have to carve out a quicky to re-ignyte the blog or page. If you try to explain this to someone at Google you get directed to some hardly dry behind the ears college boy, that has no power if you even can get a one on one. Now understanding a help phone in desk, is not possible at Google considering Googles size, but something more than a users forum should be enacted. Granted always a direct answer may not be possible, but having a person there monitoring the system, that see's a problem, can engage a system problem. If it concerns a specific problem that you damn well exists, yet its massive search extension can't find it, there should be a human idiot you could contact to put your money maker , back in the air. 
Example AyreTymez here, tried to enact it. Search says no it aint. Guess what? It is, after all I'm on it now.
Blogger is the least expensive if not fully free blog service out there with free options. While WordPress, Tumbler, etc, Blogger gives good service. But when it doesn't there ought to be a fix it person. Now if you can't have you always thought because I have, of firing up the mini Lady, and landing right on the street of Google, walking in, if you could get past security, grabbling a person of knowledge and say look bucko, this is wrong, its costing me money, fix it. You can't of course but I have numerous tymez thought of doing so. Then you get past that to Facebook. More than once I have considered the up front personal visit, but imagine too, if Facebook, took the tyme to build a free blog program that mirrors Blogger with all the options, it'd put Blogger out to pasture. I think Google ought to be spending some of their billions on their core programs, before going out there and putting money into total control of your life from toasting your bread in the morning to perking up the coffee, to spy glasses . But I did think up an idea for us pilots, how about a live heads up display that is in those glass's? Put some shades on, and there in the corner is a real to life military style HUD, with topography , air stats, the works. Instead of looking always at you glass on you dash, it'd be there in the corner of your eye. Maybe inject that into commercial airlines. Then a few of these pilots going to sleep and missing airports might be a thing of the past. A visual cue could be there watching REM, and if a pilot starts nodding off, a jolt in the seat wakes him or her up. I could love to that idea.
Any mile, AyreShow up dates and reviving a tyred canine.
L8R Aviators