Is there truly a cure for Blue Balls? Call this entry the Daily Vulva.
In trying to scientificly research the idea of the situation of backed up bodily juices for and of human sexuality, I found no real conclussion on the concept of us male corpuscles having cases of the cronic blue balls syndrum. Yet from personal experience the problem does exist.
Let's face it, man is bombarded with sexual images all over the place. Some benign some rather vivid, Some just on TV or magazines, some right there inches from you serving you morning coffee.
Many women just love to tease, hey strut their stuff so much it makes a grown old Wolf howl. Then there are some that try to hide the idea and play hard to get. In either case you go home to your Wolf's Den so hard and flowing, that outside of Suzi Palm and her five finger friends, there is no release.
Sexual tension is, although I see no CDC study on this, but I say there is a national if not international sexual tension epidemic. We are seeing both political as just well as just local folks so frustrated with the need to breed that its beyond imagination. Yet in the grand U.S. -of A States , only one state in our beloved union is it legal to open and operate a legal brothel.
Yet I say if there was a place to get in your face a honey for money to take care of the need to breed , both genders, some of, if not many of our legal and not so legal ills on this would near be illiminated.
If you could just go in, pick a sweet hiney to get your daily sex tune-up like you go in for that morning sweet roll and coffee, and walk out with confidence that there are no STD's to worry about, no prgenancies, no upset former guy pals, etc, just a fine memory, life in our sexually charged society would be much nicer. Lets call the place Riza 7 and move past the carnal foo-paws and treat the need to breed as well a need
Can this be done?
I'm covering this subject Monday on HazzardAyre.
In the meanwhile I'd like your input, is there a self treatment other than the obvious one, for Blue Balls?
L8R Aviators