Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trusted and Not Trusted Zones,


Over the last few years , there has been an ongoing effort to put together the ultimate Military Aviation Enthusiasts website, complete with a streaming radio station. The effort continues and is still on course to touch down in February 2011.

One of the things that the website will not have, is a bunch of manure, that makes it to where the aviation enthusiast consumer meaning YOU, don’t have to jump through hoops just to read and enjoy the site. If there is a general aviation skills brush up question, you will not have to log on, or register, just to take your shot at the quiz.

There are way too many websites being developed for us in the warbird theater. One of my favorites, is , however, during the few LIVE podcast style broadcasts, is that YOU need to register, just to post a question, or give your thoughts on the chosen public. Hung Kung Phooey, when you call 208-737-WOLF, while, I’m on the air you talk directly to me, not some call taker. Second , to post a question, you’ll be able to do so, without a long drawn out registration process. Many times, on such sites, by the time I go through all that hoopla, to register, then go to my email inbox to confirm the registration, shit, I have done forgot the question, I was going to ask in the first place.

I fully understand the need to filter out the garbage, the smut, and protect online security and stop spammers etc. But simple Captcha’s do the trick.

While our site will have a simple inquiry page for those who want to join the AyreWolvez and all, still there are two major differences. One, there is a place that allows for us to bill or send an invoice for that prospect members dues etc. With us no CREDIT CARD, is ever, EVER , NEEDED!!

For Trusted and Not Trusted zones, the AyreWolvez website , will be a TRUSTED ZONE.

Wind way too cold, drifting snow. I-84 has a broken snow floor from Bliss to the I-84/86 split just east of Rupert, Idaho. South to the Idaho/Utah line on I-84 from the split , currently closed due to drifts, high winds and extreem slick conditions. White out conditions currently from the 86 split to ColdWater, good day to wrap, up in a blanket, warm brandy in front of the TV.

Flying conditions suck. All light aircraft and except for emergency , helicopters grounded until at least 16:00 hours today.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
To err is human; to forgive, infrequent. - Franklin P. Adams
1 Chronicles 16:8“Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.”

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

AyreCraft Nose art today

AYRETYMEZ HEADER 3 a wolf thoughts header_thumb[2]

Years and yearns ago, art work , painted on aircraft was an art, left to some skillful artists. In this day and age its not seen as much, except on rare restored aircraft, such as done by some of the members of the AyreWolvez , and then only when the ability is there. In WWII, the images were gleaned from magazines, comic book characters, cartoons , and the occasional, starlet that would show up on military bases, from touring shows such as with Bob Hope etc. In today’s renderings the images that members of the AyreWolvez put on their restored birds and helos are gleaned in much the same way. Not saying that an occasional request is put out to find a model or two, dressed in a certain way, to depict the desired image. In war time , materials used to put those images on aircraft were limited to, what paint and all that was on hand to render that image on an aircraft. As recently as the beginning of the first round of the Iraq conflict, modern day bombers especially one called the BUFF, I’ll let you figure out what the letters mean, were painted up. However today, with privately owned vintage warbirds, including helos , its not a ladder and a paint brush, its more like a lift, and an airbrush, doing the craft. Even then it takes a steady hand and a lot or artistic ability to render suitable and treasured nose art. At times this is done, by employing the services of area tattoo artists that are friendly with the idea. Which ever way its done, when its done right, it is a thing of beauty.

Today there are of only a few of original works still available , one firm called Fighting Colors, does a heck of a job, and offers some of that art for ownership via a panel, or piece of an aircraft. Such artistic wizards are at many major airshows that tour the country.

With that in mind, and all, what about doing the same thing to say a tow truck, big rig, or even a custom bike.

In memory of a piece of art I saw not too long ago , at the Reno Airshow, I’m looking to commission a bit of this on ole DixieBelle. If it turns out good, then on LiL Dixie and even onto General Jackson. Yes finally got the car. An 87 Mustang with 120k on the clock. With only a few bugs, one is a heater that is marginal , and an under powering alternator, oh and yes no juke box. But over time, He’ll be ready to carry my less today pound wise butt . Hey it ain’t Gen. Lee but who cares, its  a step in the right direction.

It’s been nearly a year now, that I got the tragic wake up call, that access of and for the radio gear was kaput, in Gooding. However since then like the squirrel gathering up nuts for a hard winter, The AyreWolvez, along with the Knytes-of-Anarchy, through 3 suppliers, and gaining ground on both the gear we lost in both Gooding Idaho, and Evanston Wyoming, the kick off of KDXB is right on schedule. Licensing the station has not been easy, even with us owning a now going on 15 years a FCC/CP, getting the topographical mapping and all the rest of the outside engineering has not been a walk in the park. To date ; the clubs involved have spent nearly, $one million bucks, between gear, and as said licensing efforts. The tower that houses the STL and power stick, was nearly wiped out with the Long Butte fire, but thankfully the little building sitting on some scrub land bought by my mom and Dad years and years ago, was saved. Those 5 acres are grazed by my Cuzzin Kathy and her husbands cattle operation. Talk about crop circles, the area around the building and all looked weird. The trax of the burn, go right up to the fence, go around on both sides and extend another 5 or so miles. Omen? You be the judge. Chuck and Ron say both DixieBelle and Eleanor are nearly fully repaired. Not that DixieBelle needed much, but that converted injection system needed some tweaking. Thanks to Chuck, Ron, and Rick for that.

Contributions for the radio station/network project, as well as the Military Aviators Memorial Wall project, in Buhl, Idaho. Can still be made. What ever you think , you can muster up will be appreciated. We are working to make $5,000.00 by February 1st 2011, so if you feel a blessing or Heavenly prompting to do so, send a donation to: AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association, 123 , 13th Avenue North Suite D, Buhl Idaho 83316. For more 411 you can call , 208-737-9653, that’s 208-737-Wolf.

Wolves are alive in Reno, Nevada, and here in Idaho, both have teeth.

This Holiday season do something for someone or a cause that really needs it, donate to the AyreWolvez Radio station/network, and the Military Aviators Memorial, show an act of kindness.

Remembering these aircraft, and those who flew them, with colorful nose art and all should go beyond admiration. Donations to our organization does more than allow us to remember and honor the service that those who flew for and fly for today, to defend and protect our freedoms. The radio station helps us to afford to aid those returning from war, retired and those still serving, to be not only informed. But to get the aid they need.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory. - Albert Schweitzer
Colossians 3:16“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Broncos flew too high and got burned


Few would have thought that the Boise State Broncos would loose Friday’s game in Reno, but the Wolf bit and bit hard and the Mighty Broncos lost. Some humbleness from the Boise State Broncos might be in order.

It seemed at the end minutes that the Broncos just threw in the towel. With two field goals thwarted , several mis throws, and few completions, The Bronco’s were toppled.

My Mama Wolf , once said, “The bird that flys too high, ends up in a cow pie” . Such as it was for BSU, Friday. Idaho lost much in 2010, jobs, prosperity and prestige, Idaho’s prayers were not answered , but perhaps for the good. A loss, might, and I say just might, kick Boise and Idaho out of its complacency and bring a bit of humble pie.

Last, be careful when messing with a Wolf Pack, either the Nevada Wolf Pack, or the AyreWolvez , Wolf Pack. What you see, is not always what prevails.

The loss, must feel bitter to Boise, and Idaho. A team that , felt they could not be beat, was.

Few would have thought it be possible, but Wolves in any way , are not to be trifled with.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer? - George Price
Colossians 3:16“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Acts of Compassion

AYRETYMEZ HEADER 3 a wolf thoughts header_thumb[2]

Yesterday, Thanksgiving was better than the previous year. And quite a bit better than about the last 6 previous Thanksgivings. I went down to the Senior Citizens Center here, thinking that while it would be breaking bread with a bunch of old farts a community that in not too many years forward , I will be one of, at least it is a free meal, on a day that brings on way too many memories, that I needed to get beyond.

So after getting out of the snow drift I was in parked next to the curb that is the nature of where I live, not too different than that at Goons Ferry, I ventured forth. Normally I would have walked those few blocks, but in this bitter cold, I drove. I’m not too much of a whoose to walk in snow and cold, after all, living in Wyoming a few years prior, cold is normal. But Wyoming’s cold and snow , is more of a dry cold and/or snow. Idaho is more wet and damp, meaning it sticks with you longer.

So I got to the Buhl Senior Citizens Hall, ate a good meal, and visited with a good bunch of older and yet still for many lonely Veterans. Including many military aviators. I related in our visit, of the efforts ongoing of the AyreWolvez to bring about a memorial military aviators wall, for all those both gone, MIA/POW, as well as currently serving.

The combat aviator(pilot) is one of the not too often remembered warriors. Most of those honored are ground troops, and that’s okay, nobody goes into battle often for a grand thank you , but a slap on the back would be nice.

One of the other ongoing projects of the AyreWolvez is the combat aviators radio station that is still on the boards of the club which is loosing traction , due to the lack of community support. The club has spent nearly a million dollars on equipment, and licensing, so far between 2009 and 2010. But there is a need for a fund raiser or at least getting local infusions of cash to rent the studio, revamp said space, and operate for the required by the FCC without ad revenue for six months. If your a resident of the area of Buhl Idaho, that wishes to help, bring a radio station to town, that has within its scope, to honor all military both serving as well as gone beyond, especially military aviators, then send what you feel you can to: AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association , 123 13th Ave North # D, Buhl Idaho 83316.

If you need a phone number , you can call 208-737-9653.

So there I was eating, and saw a bulletin board of sorts , honoring military Seniors Citizens. A big portrait of the Blue Angels, that has one member , by the way of our squadron the VMA214 BlackSheep, and an active member of the AyreWolvez in that unit, and I thought, if these folks can donate time to feed the lonely on Thanksgiving, and all, with donations in kind, could they might donate or put some needed dollars in one of those plastic jars, for a Military Aviators Memorial Wall, and/or our radio station to honor those that have flown and fly to protect American freedom? That would be  real act of Compassion.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. - Sir Winston Churchill
Hebrews 12:28“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
A Knyte Babes poster AYRETYMEZ AYRE TAIL

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Can we just Have some good TV?


Can we just have some GOOD TV? Son-ofa-Bitch, all day today , I looked for some decent , full episode, TV, or a full good movie. With the severe cold, and all, is it too much to ask for a good one hour drama on TV? Or even a second run movie? It’s similar to being at Wal-Mart looking for pain killers. There is a full rack of all the major name, high cost aspirins and all, yet, on the bottom of the shelf is the lowest cost pain reliever , that costs $5.00 including sales tax, its called Goody’s Headache Powders. With TV, the best TV you can find is RTV or Retro TV. Although the network comes in off of low power TV stations, that means disconnecting the cable, hooking up the rabbit ears, and then when I have watched enough RTV, reconnect the cable. This condition exists only in the Twin Falls Idaho area, and negotiations are ongoing to get the local RTV station here, KBAX Channel-27 on cable. But you can’t get better TV anywhere, cable or broadcast. Yet the giants , both cable network and local stations clobber local RTV stations, to keep RTV unrecognized. Reason? Both from a program quality standpoint, after all, where else can you tune to just one station, and watch , The Rifleman , Leave it to Beaver, KnightRider , as well as BlackSheep Squadron, AirWolf and even the original A-Team? Plus, when you can buy a network , nationwide ad on RTV for the same price per insertion as what the other local stations charge for just one prime time TV ad? No where. But guess what, satellite TV both Dish and DirecTV carries RTV, no, not RFDTV, there is a major difference , yet just here in the Twin Falls area of Idaho, no RTV. Wuzz up with that? Now as far as RTV’s penetration into the Utah market. There is none yet. However we here at AyreWolf Broadcasting and sister company, Southern Steele Media, are working to erect the first RTV station in of all places Tooele Utah sometime in 2012.

When it comes to TV, I’m extreemly passionate about it. If I’m not in the air flying, on the road towing, or on the air on KDXB here in Buhl, Idaho the heart of the Confederate Star Network, my ass is parked in front of a TV. All I’d like is something decent to watch. Hey KTVB and KMVT is that too much to ask, and hey , Cable-One since I’m paying for cable TV, give me something more to watch than the slop you deliver. How about moving your information channel from channel 22, to channel 18 that has gone dark, and put RTV on channel 22? Hell , cable channel 5 is off air permanently so why not put RTV there? Cable One, you say in your promos that you listen to your customers, well prove it, hear this, put RTV on the damn cable.

For the rest of you in TV, Can we just Have some GOOD TV?

L8R Aviators

WOLFS LAIR SIG  our buisness card

Quote of the day:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer? - George Price
Hebrews 12:28“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Next entry, me & Chuck-AyreWolf

Phooey on FaceBook

AYRETYMEZ HEADER 3 a new wolf prowl header

I have just about had it with FaceBook. Oh sure , the FaceBook thing is supposed to be the IN THING, but I’ll stick to good old and proven Google, and Gmail. After all , FaceBook does not offer a free blogging program , like Blogger a product of Google. FaceBook does not yet offer a proven email service like Gmail, nor is the security and dependability of FaceBook equal in any way close to Gmail, or Google. I’d much rather spend ad money, with Google than I would FaceBook, and while security is a concern with both Google(Gmail) as well as FaceBook, I had fewer invasions of security with Google and Gmail.

Of course there is also the issue, never confirmed with me an account , tied to my alter email account, but FaceBook, let someone register that account to MY account. Wuzz up with that? Then came the person in Arkansas who may have thought she was ready for a real relationship. Nothing bad with the gal, but timetable and Logistics prevents that from going forward. Then last, anyone who would dishonor a treasured talent , such as Denver Pyle who played Jessie Duke, on OUR show the Dukes of Hazzard. True, I use and still do use Crazy Cooter and all, but in my case its not dishonoring, the name as I am in all respects the true vision of what Crazy C was on screen, and the fact that Ben and Alma are good treasured friends. Those of us with deep, long term , and beloved ties to that TV show and its idea and concept, know each other. I was lucky to elevate from a mere fan, to a consultant for that show. More over the heart of the Knytes-of-Anarchy is rooted in things Hazzard County and Dukes. With nearly 28 million members round the world, the Knytes have a long reach. Anyone who would even disrespect Uncle Jessie, plus asking me to be a FaceBook friend, needs to be burned at the totem pole.

While the Knytes, AyreWolvez etc , may request me to post things on FaceBook for the value of that membership , fine. As for me personally, I have no real use for FaceBook. I’ll stay with my Gmail, Blogger, and Google.

So Phooey on FaceBook.

Going to get cold tonight, best keep your birds(aircraft) inside. Warm and fuzzy.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
I don't like composers who think. It gets in the way of their plagiarism. - Howard Dietz
Colossians 3:17“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Askew but not out


Amid all the turbulence over this issue and all the task returns.

The fact that the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association an organization of some 5000 strong, enthusiasts of vintage military aircraft mostly vertical or rotorcraft (Helicopter) flight, and its history. Does a lot of covert projects that few realize, understand or comprehend. Of those the selection , casting and deploying female model talent for , club promotions, TV and information videos, right down to modern day on aircraft nose art is a daunting task. Many sit and think from their keyboards that the effort is to exploit women. Others say , its a course to get a quick lay or date. NOT SO , any more than it was in past and current military combat campaigns. Even today , nose art on modern day aircraft is quite active.

With all that in mind let me present the following


With all that in mind, understand , that we contact and post ad’s all over the nation to find the talent. Reason being , that too many in our very conservative religious Victorian minded area, there are not too many women of any age, that can walk in off the street into district command offices of the AyreWolvez, or even the main HQ office here in Buhl, that can at the drop of a hat , put on , say a form fitting flight suit, short skirt, etc, travel out to the area airports where our treasured byrds are stored and pose for a full 12 or so hour day, so that an artist using an ayre brush can transfer that image to the body of a vintage warbird or helicopter.

More over, I have yet, and I have worked with both professional models, semi-pro models, and even walk in street talent, that can walk into the radio studios of AyreWolf Radio, that can sit down, in a studio chair , and go on the air, without much if any training. Casting 360 , invited me to join them on FaceBook, yet I wonder and would be ecstatic if they had talent , that even lived here, more over , would be willing to fly, drive etc to the area of Idaho, or western Utah that we are in, and could just get to it, without at least 4 days prep. Even the talent that we hired in Tooele Utah years ago, took a month or better casting, and training, more over even the one , I hold as a bench mark talent that responded to an ad for such in a local farm news publication , took two and half weeks to train. But at least SHE worked at it. Who by the way does promo work , for a major aircraft engine manufacturer, at a million bucks a pop.

But I challenge all would be talent , female model talent to prove me wrong. Look at the banner ad above, and if you think you have what it takes, contact us.

Next entry

AyreWolvez AyreShow 2011

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
A girl phoned me the other day and said "Come on over, there's nobody home." I went over. Nobody was home. - Rodney Dangerfield
Colossians 3:17“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Extreem weather continued


The weather conditions in the Magic Valley, including Twin Falls, Jerome, Gooding, Buhl, Hazzard and immediate areas will be exteemly cold this evening until mid day December 3rd , to mid day December 5th . NOAA has said that flying is not recommended due to icing problems on wings, and structure areas. Also many local rural airports can’t plow the landing strips , runways and taxiways. On surface transportation: I-84/86 from Burley east and south is problematic, In fact I-84 south to the Utah line is closed as well as from the 84/86 split east to Coldwater and American Falls, is closed due to blowing and drifting snow. NOAA has lifted the blizzard alert, however expect conditions to be slick, icy and difficult. Local authorities are urging no travel to emergency travel only. Truckers are urged to find a safe haven and park. Parleys Summit east of Salt Lake City to the Wyoming line is passable, but only with chains. My advice , don’t. Most reports to AyreWolf Control is conditions are extreemly slick, and icy. The Three Sisters Pass east of Evanston Wyoming on I-80 are closed both directions, both from Evanston as well as from Fort Bridger to Green River Wyoming. Best scenario stay home, keep warm and travel only local. Hell , I’m even staying in, not taking tow calls, one cuzz DixieBelle is out with an injector pump, slaughtered , and cases of frostbite of hands. Wear only very insulated clothing. Stay warm, grab a warm brandy, and watch good movies. Remember tonight’s episode of SOA is the next to last before the season finale. These weather conditions, look to last until December 5th at the earliest.

Next report at 01:00 Hours.

L8R Aviators


Quote of the day:
Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made. - Otto von Bismarck
Psalm 100:4-5“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

extended noses , freeze-AyreWolf



17-27-1 SouthernbyGrace